My previous blog about me
Your first name:Briar
Your age :11
Your year level :7
Your school history:I used to be at avonhead school which was a non blogging school. My last year at that school was 2018. I am not going to tell you why i left because it brings back sad memories.

- Eggs or cereal? eggs
- Milk or chocolate milk? chocolate
- Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
- Juice or water? juce
- White or wholemeal? white
- Cake or donuts? cake
- Vanilla or chocolate? chocolate
- Corn or peas? corn
- Green beans or broccoli? green beans
- Pancakes or waffles? waffles
- Action movies or dramas? action
- Comedy or scary movies? scary
- Television or book? tv
- Paper book or Ebook? paper book
- TVNZ or TV3?tvnz
- Cards or board games?
- Dressing up or casual clothes?
- Sneakers or jandals?
- Cars or trucks?
- Soccer or hockey? hokey
- Rugby or Netball?/
- Hunting or fishing?
- Skiing or surfing?
- Xbox or PS?x box
- Multiplayer or single player?multiplayer
- Walking or jogging?walking
- Spring or Autumn? spring
- Winter or Summer?summer
- Shower or bath? bath
- Dog or cat?dog
- Night owl or early riser? night owl
- Long or short hair? long
- Shy or outgoing? both
- Draw or read? read
- When hanging toilet paper, over or under?
- Age you first started at Yaldhurst Model School - 10
- Middle name - Anna Cathrein
- Favourite colour - bubble gum pink and green apple
- Favourite song - gospel pa!d
- Number of siblings - 2
- Favourite sport - hokey
- Best birthday party you have had - eleventh
- Best birthday party you have been to - bridgets twelfth birthday
- Favourite animal - horse
- Favourite food - hash browns
- Age you first flew in a plane - 2/3
- Been on a boat? yess
- Been on a train?no
- Can speak another language? no
- Best talent? jumping long on foot
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