
Friday, 27 September 2019

finding fractions

hello my lovely amazing astonishing 
blog comments and blog 
welcome people that usually 
 read my blog
and welcome new
commenters  and new
my name is briar 
i am a year
six from 
yaldhurst model
school as as you 
can tell by 
the title i am going to be
 telling you about 
the amazing of fraction
finding in
maths problems here is an example
of my finding
fractions workbook


Wednesday, 25 September 2019

my amazing ski trip

hello my lovely amazing astonishing 
blog comments and blog 
welcome people that usually 
 read my blog
and welcome new
commenters  and new
my name is briar 
i am a year
six from 
yaldhurst model
school as as you 
can tell by 
the title i am going to be
 telling you about 
the amazing
ski trip that most
of the school hade yess
 i know that you guys 
came to see me 
do some 
stuff but really 
it was my first time skiing 
and to be honest i was really nervous 
to be skiing for the 
first time but with a little
bit of practice i was zooming 
down the slope 
witch was a really 
big goal for 
me because on my i think third 
time going down the esay slope 
i started to zoom down 
it and i coulding
stop so i started 
to really freak out but lucky 
one of the ski training staff 
were out 
so he thankfully 
helped me learn how  to 
stop wich is now 
just so nice even know 
its his job its just so nice 
now it is time 
for some 
photos please 
excuse my 
face the sun was 
directly in my eyes 

Friday, 13 September 2019

me punishing my traditional tale witch was three hundred and fifteen words all together

Hello my lovely amazing astonishing 
blog comments and blog 
welcome people that usually 
 read my blog
and welcome new
my name is briar 
i am a year
six from 
yaldhurst model
school as as you 
can tell by 
the title i am 
publishing my 
traditional tale 
work book 
finally but i am also 
really sad because we have 
finished traditional tales 
which was an amazing 
writing prompt for these 
last weeks that 
we  have been doing are
traditional tale workbook here is my writing 

  • Who a loaf of bread 
  • Who a koala
  • When night time
  • What is happening is that the life of bread is evil
  • The problem is that the piece of bread is verry verry verry evil but bread doesn't know that
  • The koala shoves ucleptis leves up his bready butt

In a land far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far fa far far  (i know verry verry verry far away) One morning a little loaf of bread was made and his name was bobbi the species of bread was
sourdough rye bread i know verry verry verry rear these days but one day bobbi turned evil and his new name  
bobbi the evil bread stellar one day a little koala bere named bread you might be asking
were bread the koala cutest little koala that you eva did see got his name got the name from well as soon
as he could eat solid food and start talking ( oh and he started talking when he was 7 months old i know pretty impressive for a little koala) any way\
back to why his great great great great great
great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great oldest grandpa
named him bread so his
first was bread and his favorite food was bread so i was obvious that his name hse to be bread so one day bread walked up to the bakery   and saw
bobbi the evil bread stellar killing the baker with its bread butt power witch made a little toot when his buttoks exploded with butt powder bread the koala shoves uc leptin levels up his bready butt in then his toting power stops working and they lived happily ever after

Thursday, 12 September 2019

A new Movie called getting drunk on candy! designed on my birthday party

Hello  my original Bloggers and hello
 to my new ones  today
 I am doing my home learning blog. 
as you can tell i an doing 
a homework blog today witch is normal
but i just
wholdte to tell
just in case you dident
know what type of 
blog i was doing today 
as you can 
tell by the title 
my blog is about a movie that i 
get to desine witch is just 
amazing an so so so so so cool dont 
you wish you could do this 
know its time to see the movie
looks like and yess it is candy 
themed and can i 
tell you a ittle somthing 
me and bridget yess the 
 bridget in my class broght
sevan dollers 
so we
whent down to the
dairy to get some 
candy and so bridget put the candy
 that we got in her pocet and when
 we got home it turnes out 
the cany fell out of brigets 
poket so we whent 
back to try and find it and 
we found it in a tree anyway by 

my three wishes granted by weird animals

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

my finished product of my dung beetles work

Hello everyone that usually visited my blog 
hi and welcome to the new people 
reading this blog today i am your host 
briar a year six from yaldhurst model school 
as you can see i am trying something different
today as in my writing is in the middle of my blog page 
instead of my writing on the sides
because it looks weird my older sister says and
julia help me to do this
and i also want to jazz my bolg up but
 anyway back to why i am blogging about today
as you can tell by the title you will be able to
see the finished product  of my dung
beatles work
hear it is i haven't finished
the animation
 but i might do a part two to this to show
you my lovely people that comment
on my blogs what i was i
imagning when
i came up with the idea
to make an animation
question of the day have you ever
seen or eve touched
a dung beetle
please tell me in the comments below
oh and don't forget to leave a like as well thank
you for reading this blog today
from briar

Thursday, 5 September 2019

how the troll is nice in my version

hello bloggers and welcome to a new bogg today oh yeah my name is briar and i am a year six from yaldhurst model school and today we will be talking about what if bad traditional Tales characters had a back story is really heart touching that made them that way like in my opine the big bad wolf doesn't mean to be bad he just wants to make friends   her is my example

 I think the troll might of ground because when he was little he might of gone to troll school and his class might of got to a swimming center to learn how to swim so when he get older they don't die by drowning  .anyway back to the trolls perspective yeh so the troll might of getting into the pool and started to sink and he obviously doesn't know how to gracefully swim back up to the top of the pool so he started to splash to call for help, which obviously worked so two of his main swimming instructors jumped into action to save him oh and by the way he was fifty five pounds and only two years old oh and the  two of his main swimming instructors were teenagers and humans so it did work out really well but when he came out oh the water the other trolls made fun of him so that is why he drowned