Hello my lovely amazing astonishing
blog comments and blog
welcome people that usually
read my blog
and welcome new
my name is briar
i am a year
six from
yaldhurst model
school as as you
can tell by
the title i am
publishing my
traditional tale
work book
finally but i am also
really sad because we have
finished traditional tales
which was an amazing
writing prompt for these
last weeks that
we have been doing are
traditional tale workbook here is my writing
Who a loaf of bread
Who a koala
When night time
What is happening is that the life of bread is evil
The problem is that the piece of bread is verry verry verry evil but bread doesn't know that
The koala shoves ucleptis leves up his bready butt
In a land far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far far fa far far (i know verry verry verry far away) One morning a little loaf of bread was made and his name was bobbi the species of bread was
sourdough rye bread i know verry verry verry rear these days but one day bobbi turned evil and his new name
bobbi the evil bread stellar one day a little koala bere named bread you might be asking
were bread the koala cutest little koala that you eva did see got his name got the name from well as soon
as he could eat solid food and start talking ( oh and he started talking when he was 7 months old i know pretty impressive for a little koala) any way\
back to why his great great great great great
great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great oldest grandpa
named him bread so his
first was bread and his favorite food was bread so i was obvious that his name hse to be bread so one day bread walked up to the bakery and saw
bobbi the evil bread stellar killing the baker with its bread butt power witch made a little toot when his buttoks exploded with butt powder bread the koala shoves uc leptin levels up his bready butt in then his toting power stops working and they lived happily ever after